Sunday, August 1, 2010

funny things we forgot to blog about

first of all, we just remembered yesterday how funny our hotel was in nashville....

it was the only nice, expensive place we stayed on the whole trip, and we were going to be there for two days, so we were looking forward to a little pampering. the guy at the front desk was really funny, a young indian guy with a dry sense of humor. When he wanted us to pay, he said to bobby, "okay, give me some green, how about a couple of benji's" (mom and dad: benjamins=100 dollar bills) so we laughed at that for days.

then, around eleven o'clock at night, our AC breaks in our room. now, it's like a hundred degrees and as humid as it could get without raining in Nashville. Bobby was so mad, he called the front desk and they sent a guy up to fix it. a few minutes after the guy left with the AC fixed, it turned off again. we called down to the front desk and they offered to move us. So, at almost midnight, we packed up all of our things and moved to the third floor.

In this room, we unloaded all of our stuff again, put the AC on and got back in our pajamas. At this point, bobby turned on the TV and discovered that didn't work. we called the front desk again. They said, sorry, nothing we can do about that. bobby wasn't having it.

after our THIRD move in the middle of the night, we finallly got upgraded to an awesome suite that had both an AC and a TV. i guess it doesn't seem like a big deal now, weeks later, but at the should have seen us, trekking all over the holiday inn with all of our bags in the middle of the night!

We have been on four or five different MLK Jr. Blvds in four or five different (slums) cities... one thing is for sure... MLK Jr. Blvd. is definitely the worst, most dangerous street in any city even if it's Sunday at noon. Don't go there.

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