Thursday, July 29, 2010

Comin to ya/On a Dusty Road

Bobby serenades me during
happy hour at a bar in Myrtle

So what we’ve learned about Myrtle Beach in the few days that we’ve been here is that the weather is insane. Most of the day is sunny and beautiful, but nearly every day at around five o’clock the sky turns black, the wind picks up, and there is a downpour. The rain usually lasts about an hour or less and is just enough to mess everyone up a little bit. I think Mother Nature gets a good laugh watching all of the hot, sweaty tourists scramble for cover once a day.

Our second night in Myrtle Beach was Bobby’s birthday. I bought us tickets to see the Legends in Concert show, which some people might have seen before, especially in Las Vegas. It’s all impersonators of the musical legends: Michael Jackson, Elvis, Madonna, The Beatles, etc. Our seats were front and center, second row. This would be an awesome seating arrangement under normal circumstances. However, at the Legends show, it’s a little awkward to be up so close to these people who are literally dressed up like a celebrity and have to act like they truly believe they are that celebrity—and they can easily make eye contact with you and hear what you are saying to your neighbor.

I literally felt like the people on stage kept looking at us while they were singing, and both of us were worried they would try to somehow include us in the show…”Martina McBride” pulled some guy up on stage and made him dance and tell his wife how much he loved her….and Jake from the Blues Brothers sat next to some teenage girl and sweat all over her until she was embarrassed to tears. Besides, Bobby didn’t know, but I had told the lady at the ticket counter that it was his birthday, thinking maybe they would just give him a shout out, but after the Jake and Elwood performance, I was starting to worry that they were going to do something to Bobby that would end our honeymoon earlier than planned.

Luckily, they did just give him a happy birthday shout out, but they called him “Bobby Conkon”. We have discovered that down south no one understands the name Conlon. Even after spelling if for them and saying it several times, they will still call us Connon or Colon, like as if those names are more common…

But I digress. Michael Jackson impersonator was unbelievable. He looked, sounded, and moved just like Michael Jackson. The Elvis impersonator who closed the whole show was also really good. His voice sounded just like Elvis, and whether you like Elvis or not, you have to admit that some of his songs have unbelievably difficult notes that he can hold. This guy was great sounding, but was a little goofy looking, so it was hard not to kind of stare. At one point, he began singing a slow ballad, just him alone with a guitar, and I really felt like he was looking right at me. It was beginning to feel kind of awkward, so I nudged Bobby to tell him but before I could say anything Bobby looked at me and said “I think he’s looking at you!” Suddenly, the Elvis spoke right into the microphone: “I’m singing to her, sir, not you.” And the whole audience burst out laughing and they put a spotlight on us and he continued singing at me which was for some reason unbearable.

In all of the tourist spots they always have someone with a camera ready to take your picture and then try to sell it to you. Because after awhile it gets sort of annoying, Bobby’s new thing is to make crazy faces when they are trying to position you to get your photo. They obviously want the best picture they can so that you’ll buy it, and no matter how much they tell us to smile, Bobby will make crazy faces or pretend he’s taking a bite out of my head. All the while, I’m oblivious to this and smile nicely for the camera. The people who then try to sell them to us get a good laugh when we ask them to find our photos and they spot Bobby’s crazy face in the mix.

We are heading to Washington DC for our final leg of the trip. Heading up through North Carolina tonight.

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